Задай вопрос как показано в образце и ответь на него пользуюсь подсказкой.Добавить указатель времени по своему усмотрению.
Образец: Lerawatch TV - What does Lera do on Sundays? She watches TV.
1. Childrenwatch cartoons-........
2.Nanny Shinedrive a car-..........
3.Mayawrite emails- .........
4.Larry and Luluplay games-........
5.Your friendsplay tennis-.....,...
6. Your friendpain pictures-.........
7.Your mother and fatherplay badminton-.........
8.Your sister play the piano-........
9.Youread a book-.......
10.Your brotherplay a game -.......

1) What do children do in the morning?-They watch cartoons.
2) What did Nanny Shine do yesterday?-She drove a car.
3) Is Maya writing emails?-Yes, she is.
4) What will Larry and Lulu do tomorrow?-They will play games.
5) What do your friends  like doing?-They like playing tennis.
6) What does your friend do?-He pains pictures
7) What did mother and father do yesterday?-They played badminton.
8) What will your sister do tomorrow?-She will play the piano.
9) What do you do in summer?-I read a book.
10) What does your brother do in winter?-He plays a game.

Оцени ответ

paco go the to paco and father joy doy car toy kop lop kip pik pol.no joy doy
это точноправильно


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