Нарисуй или вклей фотографию своей любимой игрушки или своего любимого животного и заполни анкету.тебе помогут слова в сундучках. I have got a .... .He(she,it) is ..... .He( she,it) has got a ...... head with...... hair. He( she,it) has got ....... nose and .... eyes. He( she,it) can ......... . He( she,it) cannot .

My favourite toy is a small tiger. He's very funny and pretty. His name is Ricky. My mom gave me the tiger for my birthday. I always play with it and even sleep. It is soft and very nice.

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Its name is Masia. It is very beautiful and tender. Masia is still a kitten, so it has little funny and helpless. It has very unusual color. Its fur combines red, brown, and almost white. It is very beautiful.

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