Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки. 1. Moscow is one of the most beautiful city in the world. 2. There are a lot of beautiful old churchs in Suzdal. 3. Mary likes to do the shopping in the Oxford Street. 4. I never was in India. 5. Nick already saw the film. 6. Tom hasn t already seen the film. 7. Did you ever buy clothes? 8. My aunt has never work in a hospital. 9. They have visited Mrs Spencer two days ago. 10. They just saw their theacher.

3. Mary likes to do shopping in Oxford Street. 4. I have never been to India. 5. Nick has already seen the film. 6. Tom hasnt seen the film yet. 7. Have you ever bought clothes? 8. My aunt has never worked in a hospital.9. They visited Mrs Spencer two days ago. 10. They have just seen their teacher. (кроме 3 предложения, все остальные на времена Present Perfect and Past Simple)

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