Вставить Артикль где это необходимо.
1.He always took ... line of least resistance.
2.1 should like ... glass of water.
3.My grandfather was ... man of force and intellect.
4.From the kitchen came ... singing of a kettle on the stove.
5.Ill have ... cup of tea with you, said my mother.
6.Heat up the water to ... temperature of 60 ˚ C.

1. He always took a... line of least resistance.
2. I should like a... glass of water.
3. My grandfather was a ... man of force and intellect.
4. From the kitchen came the ... singing of a kettle on the stove.
5. Ill have a... cup of tea with you, said my mother.
6. Heat up the water to the... temperature of 60 ˚ C.

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