Очень срочно!30 баллов !напишите сочиение про кукольный театр используя эти словосочетания!МОЖНО НЕ ВСЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ!
Make pippets
sew dresses
be busy preparing the play
work willingly
be eager
have a good imagination
be good at
make the show colourful
make the puppets move perfectly
feel happy
be a great joy
feel worred

Very soon we will go to the puppet theater!I hope there will be a very interesting and entertaining. And here we are in the theatre.Before the presentation we were told that in the show are all made by hand.Custom made dresses,and dolls,as well independently.We all longed to see this excellent presentation.Here the curtain opened and started the play.But soon the performance ended.all spectators are well rested and had fun and were very happy.

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