Выберите правильные формы и завершите предложения.
1)If you (drink/will drink) cold water, you (get/will get) ill.2)Jack (is not late/wont be late) if he (gets/will get) up early.3)Tell me when you (go/will go) shopping.4)If dinner (is/will be) ready, I (have/will have) it now.5) If you (wear/will wear) these jeans every day, they (get/will get) dirty very soon and you (look/will look) scruffy.6)When she (buys/will buy) a new fur coat, she (wears/will wear) it every day in winter.7)Im not sure if he (comes/will come) back soon. But when he (comes/will come), I (phone/will phone) you.

1) If you (drink) cold water, you(will get) ill. 2) Jack (wont be late) if he (gets) up early. 3) Tell me when you (will go) shopping. 4) If dinner(is) ready, I (will have) it now. 5) If you (wear)these jeans every day, they (will get) dirty very soon and you(will look) scruffy. 6) When she (buys) a new fur coat, she(will wear) it every day in winter. 7) Im not sure if he(will come) back soon. But when he (comes), I(will phone) you.

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