Раскройте скобки,употребив глаголы в Indefinite Passive или Indefinite Active.
model: We clean (to clean) the decks every day.
Answer: The decks are cleaned every day.
1.My English teacher (to ask) me yesterday.
2.He often (to operate) the ship,when he is on watch.
3.The ship (to operate) by him,when he is on watch.
4.Our Radio-officer (to transmit) a radiogram in 5 minures.
5.A radiogram (to transmit) by our Radio-officer in 5 minutes.
6.The sailors (to paint) the ships hull yesterday.
7.The ships hull (to paint) by our sailors yesterday.
8.He (to receive) the weather information an hour ago.
10.They (to launch) a new vessel next month.
11.A new vessel (to launch) next month.
12.Napoleon (to invade) Moscow in the 18th century.
13.Moscow (to invade) by Napoleon in the 18th century.
14.Admiral Macarov (to design) the ice-breaker "Yermak".
15.The ice-breaker "Yermak" (to design) by Admiral Makarov.

1.My English teacher   asked  me yesterday.
2.He often operates  the ship, when he ison watch.
3.The ship is   operated  by him, when he is on watch.
4.Our Radio-officer  will  transmitt   a radiogram in 5 minutes.
5.A radiogram will be   transmitted  by our Radio-officer in 5 minutes.
6.The sailors   painted  the ships hull yesterday.
7.The ships hull was  painted  by our sailors yesterday.
8.He  received the weather information an hour ago.
10.They  will launch  a new vessel next month.
11.A new vessel will be   launched  next month.
12.Napoleon   invaded  Moscow in the 18th century.
13.Moscow  was invaded  by Napoleon in the 18th century.
14.Admiral Macarov  designed  the ice-breaker "Yermak".
15.The ice-breaker "Yermak"  was  designed by Admiral Makarov.

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