Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными и отрицательными 1.He had sent a telegram before he left Minsk. 2. They hadnt reserved a room in a hotel before they left.3. When Peter got to the theatre the play had already started. 4.When father came home I had prepared dinner. 5. When I saw him in August he had already graduated from the institute

1. Had he sent a telegram before he left Minsk?2. Had they reserved a room in a hotel before they left?
3. Had
the play already started when Peter got to the theatre?
4. H
ad I prepareddinner when father came home?
5. Had healready graduated from theinstitute w
hen I saw him in August?
1. He had not sent a telegram before he left Minsk.
2. They hadnt reserved a room in a hotel before they left.
3. When Peter got to the theatrethe play had not started.
4. When father came home I had not prepareddinner.
5. When I saw him in August he had not graduated from theinstitute

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