Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол, в нужное по смыслу время.
1. When I (to wake) up my mother (to lay) the table already.
2. The student (to say) that his pronunciation (to become) better.
3. The workers (to begin) to build the house last summer and they (to work) still.
4. It (to seem) to me he (to stop) never making mistakes.
5. The doctor said that he (to do) his best to save the babys life.
6. He (to be) ill all this time. I (not to be) sure the plane (to land) on time.
7. I (to visit) you tomorrow if you (to give) me your address.
8. You (to revise) all the texts for the examination?
9. While she (to pour) out the tea I (to look) through the magazines.

1. Woke up, my mother have laid.
3. The workers had begun
7. I will visit, if you give.
8. Did you revise?

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