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в диалоге разговор 2 женщин которых зовут:Frieda и Lucille
Frieda: How did you come here this morning , Lucille? Did you come by car?
Lucille: No, something went wrong with my car last night , so I walked here.
Frieda: So did I . I came down Bond Street and Oxford Street . Did you ?
Lucille: Yes .
Frieda: Did you see the dresses in Harridge`s ? They had a lot of them in brown and grey . I thought they were very nice .
Lucille : I looked at the windows for a few minutes and I saw the dresses , but I didn`t like any of them .
Frieda : Didn`t you? Why not ?
Lucille: I didn`t like the cut or the style of any of them , and I like bright colours .
Frieda : Of course , your taste isn`t my taste . We are quite different , and what suits you doesn`t suit me.
Lucille: I think your clothes always look very nice ; they are quiet and in very good taste . Did you buy these clothes in London ?
Frieda : No, I bought them in Berne last summer . Do you buy your clothes in London ?
Lucille : No , I generally buy them in Paris .
Frieda: Isn`t it very expensive to buy them in Paris ?
Lucille : No , it`s about the same as in London . So when I want new clothes I go to Paris .

1) did Lucille come by car?
2) did Lucille see the dresses in Harridges?
3) did Lucille like dresses at the windows?
4) does Lucille like bright colours?
5) are Frieda and Lucille different?
6) does Lucille think Friedas clothes always look very nice?
7) did Frieda buy clothes in London?
8) where did Frieda buy clothes?
9) when did Frieda buy her clothes?
10) where did Lucille buy clothes?

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