ДАЮ 50б.Помогите мне пожалуйста в этом упражнении.
Complete the sentences with the new words
still, other, enemies, century, defend, architect, fairly
1) I have no ..., only friends. 2) We all live in the 21st ... . 3) I can say that I know my home town ... well. 4) they want to travel to Great Britain and some ... places. 5) He is not a child but he ... likes ice cream. 6) This is my home and I must ... it. 7) My brother says he would like to become an ... .

1) I have no enemies,only friends. 2) We all live in the 21st century. 3) I can say that I know myhome town fairly well. 4) They want to travel to Great Britain and some otherplaces. 5) He is not a child but he still likes ice cream. 6) This is my homeand I must defend it. 7) My brother says he would like to become an architect.

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