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….. archaeologist discovered …. large tomb from …. sixth century A. D. in …. Somerest. It is … tomb of …. important person, probably ….. king. All …. archaeologists ask …. same question.
Is this … tomb of … King Arthur? They have not opened …. tomb yet. They have to work slowly, and it may be …. month before …. archaeologists know … answer.
Charles Dickens, one of greatest and … most popular novelists, was born on … 7th of …. February, 1812 in … small English town. He read … lot of book in childhood. At … age of … six someone took him to ….. theatre for …. first time. He saw … play by Shakespeare. …. play impressed him and he decided to write … play of his own.
Theodor Dreiser, … great American writer, was born on … 27th … of …. August 1871 in … small town of … America.
Gustave Flaubert was born in … Rouen, where his … father was … chief surgeon at …. hospital, on …. 12th of … December 1821.
London is … capital of …. Great Britain. It is situated on …. river Thames. It is … largest city in …. Europe and … one of … largest cities in …. world. …. London is also … very big port.

An archaeologist discovered a large tomb from the sixth century A. D. inSomerest. It is a tomb of an important person, probably a king. All the archaeologists ask the samequestion.
Is this atomb of King Arthur? They have not opened the tomb yet. They have to workslowly, and it may be a month before the archaeologists know the answer.
CharlesDickens, one of greatest and the most popular novelists, was born on the 7th of February, 1812 in a small English town.He read a lot of book in childhood. At the age of  six someone took him to the theatre for thefirst time. He saw a play by Shakespeare. The play impressed him and he decidedto write a play of his own. 
TheodorDreiser, a great American writer, was born on the 27th of  August 1871 in a small town of  America.
GustaveFlaubert was born in  Rouen, where his fatherwas a chief surgeon at  the hospital, on the12th of December 1821.
London isa capital of  Great Britain. It is situatedon the river Thames. It is the largest city in Europe and  one of the largest cities in the world. Londonis also a very big port.

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