Compare the equipment. Put the adjectives in brackets in the right form.
1. "A camping stove is (cheap) than a tent. Lets have it."
2. "We cant have a camping stove and a tent. We have only six thousand roubles. The tent is (expensive) thing, but it is also (important) equipment."
3. "A kettle is (expensive) thing, but we dont need it."
4. "A mattress is (cheap) than a camping stove, but its (useful) equipment. We have our sleeping bags!"
5. A mattress isnt (useful) thing, but its important for me. Its (comfortable) to sleep on a mattress than on the ground."
6. "We can have a kettle — its (cheap and light) thing."

1) cheaper
2) a more expensive,important
3) a less expensive
4) cheaper, less useful
5) a useful, more comfortable
6) the cheapest and lightest

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