Помогите не понял как делать а)give Janes answers to Phils questions Phil: why did you come home so late yesterday? Jane:....................................... Phil: were you hungry? Jane:....................................... б) one of you is Jane, the other is Phil. Act out the conversation/ Thihk of five questions Phil can ask.

это просто. Нужно составить диалог с пятью репликами.

Вот, например:  

Phil: why did you come home so late yesterday?

Jane: I had been to the library

Phil: were you hungry?

Jane:Certainly. When I came back, I was tired and hungry - I had been working for 3 hours.

Phil: What had you been doing in the library?

Jane:I just tried to find out some information from the books.

Phil: Why do you need this informstion?

Jane:I had the hometask in biology.

Phil:Can you show it to me?

Jane:Sure, but not right now, I have yo go. Goodbye!


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