45 Answer the questions:
1. Do British school children wear a school uniform? 2. What are the most popular colours for school uniform in Britain? 3. Do British school children like to wear a school uniform? 4. What do British schools do to children who dont wear the correct uniform? 5. Would you like to wear a school uniform like British school children do? Why? Why not?
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1. Yes they do
2. The most popular colours for school uniform in Britain are green and navy
3.  Yes they do
4 They expell them (думаю, у них исключают тех кто не носит форму, или можно сказать they punish them - они их наказывают)
5 Id like to wear a school uniforms like British school children because it makes you look like a good pupil
I wouldnt like to wear a school uniform like British school children because it makes everyone look the same

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