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Fill In the correct word derived from the word in bold:
1) my family is always very.......of my decisions.
2) shes a very.........person.no wonder shes a babysitter.
3) Hes a well-..........man in the community.
4) This book is really......
5) this actor is very.......in England
6) my car is very.........I dont spend much money on petrol.
И + еще то задание, которое на фото. (К сожалению, я с телефона, у меня фото не открывается, надеюсь, Что у вас все работает, если нет, то хотя бы первую часть сделайте, заранее спасибо)

1. My family is always very supportive of my decisions.
2. She is very caring person. No wonder she is a babysitter.
3. Hes a well respected man in the community.
4. This book is very interesting.
5. This actor is very famous in England.
6. My car is very economical. I don`t spend much money on petrol.
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