Перевод этого текста:Mary worked in a office in London, and she usualy went out and hat lunch in a restaurant. She liked foreign food and often looked in the newspaper for the names of new restaurants, because she enjoed going to them and eating new things. Sometimes she said, "I dont like this restaurant. Im not going to have my lunch here often."
One dayshe saw the name of a new Greek restaurant in her newspaper, and she went there for lunch. It was very small, but it was clean and nice, and the food was good.
But then Mary found something hard in her mouth. She took it out. It was a button.
" Look here, waiter!" she said. " Ive found this button in my food."
" Thank you, thank you!" the waiter answered happily. " I looked everywhere for it."

A. Answer these questions.

1. What food did Mary like?
2. Where did she go one day?
3. What did she find in her mouth?
4. What did she say then?
5. What did the waiter answer?

B. Whichof the answer to these questions are correct? Write the correct answers down?

1. Did Mary always go to the same restaurant?
a. No, she didnt.
b. Yes, she did.

2. Did she go back to a restaurant after the first time?
a. No, never.
b. Yes, always.
c. Yes, often.

3. Were did she find the names of new restaurants?
a. In a big city.
b.In a newspaper.

4. What did she find in her mouth one day?
a. A waiters button.
b. Some hard food.

5. Was the waiter happy, or angry?
a. He was angry.
b. He was happy.

C. Write this the story. Put one word in each empty space.

This is Marys brother. His 1.......... is George. He lives in the 2........... of Chicago and works in a small Greek 3................ there. He is a lot of people come and have 4.......... there, because the 5............ is good. Look at that man. He is 6............ some meat and reading his 7................ . He comes to this restaurant, because he works i an 8............ quite near here.

Помогите ппппппппллллллллллиииииииииииииз плиз пожалуйста очень надо до 23.00.

Мэри работала в офисе в Лондоне и обычно ходила на обед в ресторан. Ей нравилась иностранная кухня, и она часто искала в газете названия новых ресторанов. Ей нравилось ходить туда и пробовать новые блюда.
Иногда она говорила: "Мне не нравится этот ресторан. Я не буду обедать здесь часто".
Однажды она увидела в газете название нового греческого ресторана и отправилась туда на обед. Ресторан был маленький, но очень чистый и симпатичный, а еда была вкусной.
Но вдруг Мэри почувствовала во рту что-то твёрдое. Она вынула это и увидела пуговицу.
"Официант, посмотрите!", - сказала она. - "Я нашла пуговицу в еде".
"Спасибо, спасибо!" - радостно ответил официант. - "Я везде её ищу".

1. Mary liked foreign food.
2. One day she went to a new Greek restaurant.
3. She found a button in her mouth.
4. She said that she has found the button in her food.
5. The waiter thanked her and told that he has looked for it everywhere.

1 - a
2 - c
3 - b
4 - a
5 - b

1. name
2. city
3. restaurant
4. lunch
5. food
6. eating
7. newspaper
8. office

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