Правильное напишите плииииз
1. This is (my, mine) university.
2. Doctor Smith, is this (your, yours) patient?
- Yes, Polly is (my, mine) patient.
3. (Their, theirs) friend Douglas is a journalist.
4. I am going to answer all (her, hers) questions.
5. (Our, ours) dream was to travel in Spain.
6. We gave them (our, ours) address and they gave us (their, theirs).
7. Which bag is (her, hers)?
8. Is photography (your, yours) hobby?
9. Sharon has no answer to (her, hers) question.
10. Eddy and mike are not at school because (their, theirs) little sister is ill.

1. my; 2. your, my; 3. their; 4. her; 5. our; 6. our; 7. hers; 8. your; 9. her; 10. their.

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