Read the text and complete it with the derivatives of the words on the right
Heart disease leads to four million deaths in Europe each year.
Heart attacks sound (1) ... and they are. Our heart is the most
(2) ... organ in our body. It beats day and night. But (3) ... it can
stop beating: this is a heart attack. The majority of heart attacks
are (4) ... . One major factor is diet. (5) ...s say that things we eat
are often (6) ... . They contain too much fat, sugar and salt. All
these can lead to heart diseases. Stress, anger, little exercise also
(7) ... the heart. But the worst thing of all is (8) ...
importance, occasion
prevent, special
weak, smoke

Heart disease leads to four million deaths in Europe each year. Heart attacks sound (1) terrible and they are. Our heart is the most (2) important organ in our body. It beats day and night. But (3) occasionally it can stop beating: this is a heart attack. The majority of heart attacks are (4) prevented (preventable) . One major factor is diet. (5) specialists say that things we eat are often (6) unhealthy . They contain too much fat, sugar and salt. All these can lead to heart diseases. Stress, anger, little exercise also (7) weaken the heart. But the worst thing of all is (8) smoking

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