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That summer in the mountains raged showers. They washed away everything in its path and carrying their prey in the Dniester.

On the opposite banks of the Dniester were people with hooks on long wooden sticks ... They have rescued a man who sailed on the remains of a wooden roof, pulled a live pig, caught the frightened cats and dogs, even chickens darted from branch to branch torn the roots of the tree.

Suddenly, someone saw a white cat that repeatedly jumped from one side to the other wooden trough ... Somehow someone managed to catch more than trough and pull ashore. And how were all surprised when we saw the bottom rather deep trough baby in diapers! It does not cry, and wide-open little eyes watched the pussy ...

Whose baby? Where are his parents? And how to help him? Such questions arise in every visitor. All surrounded the trough and looked at the child as a miracle. It was a real miracle. Just ran a cat like a baby cried. From the crowd to the trough stepped Katerina Ivanovna. She took him in her arms and carried to his home, telling a neighbor to the village and tell the police about the baby. Katerina Ivanovna, paramedic by profession, all in the village respected because she helped everyone who spoke to her, not only on medical advice, but a good word. She raised her daughter because husband was killed in the accident. And together they will take care of the boy, and while there are parents.

Time passed, and the parents are. Nor can a child grow up without a name. They called him Sergei. Accustomed wife and daughter Olesya to the boy as a native. So when they came to him from the orphanage, decided not to give up and adopt. Though it was not an easy thing, and yet received approval for adoption boy.

Sergei grew up in a good, comfortable atmosphere of love and harmony. When Sister Olesya entered nursing, was helping her mother at two. Everyone in the village put it as an example to their children. Boy found time and lessons get done and take care of the garden, and animal feed, goat grass pick, fence repair. Do not forget about the fun, go outside with a ball errands with peers.

After high school, long thought to be someone. He saved, so now he must save. Decided and became a savior.

In their edges often raging downpour ... But now there is another person who will fight for the salvation of others.

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