Задайте к каждому предложению 5 типов вопросов.1.I must go with my parents.2.My friend goes to the cinema every week-end.3.He finished the work at 12 oclock yesterday.

1)When did you must go with your parents?
2)Who did must go with your parents?
3)Do you want to go with your parents?
4)Did you must go with your parents?
5)You must go with your parents, didnt?
1)When your friends go to the cinema?
2)Your friend goes to the cinema every week-end, doesnt?
3)Who does go to the cinema?
4)Does your friend goes to the cinema this week-end?
5)Why your friend goes to the cinema every week-end?
1)When did he finihed the work?
2)He finished work at 12 oclock yesterday, didnt it?
3)Did he finished the work at 12 oclock yesterday?
4)What did he finished at 12 oclock yesterday?
5)He finished the work at 12 oclock yesterday or at 5 oclock yesterday?
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