You can read books at the _________(raliybr). You can eat pizza at the ___________(zapzi rauresntat). You can buy food at the __________ ( rumaspkeert). You can see a film at the ________ (ncimea). You can buy food for your pets at the_________( tre hpso). You can have a meal at the ________________( efca). You can walk and play different games in the ________(karp). You can swim in the __________ ( misnwmig opol). You can get on a bus at the _________( ubs ostp). You can watch “Peter Pan” at the ________( trethae). You can buy many different things in the ________( pishnopg trenec).

1. library
2. pizza restaurant.
3. supermarket.
4. cinema.
6. cafe.
7. park.
8. swimming pool.
9. us stop.
10. theatre.
11. shopping centre.

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