Проект по английскому языку на тему иконы России

With the blessing of Archbishop of Tikhvin , rector of the St.Petersburg Theological Academy Constantine. Recovery holiday KazanMother of God in the rank of the state - the Day of Unity - was sounexpected in its results , that caused quite russophobia attack somepart of our pro-Western , liberal- democratic aspirations of thepopulation. But could this holiday , as it is not called him evasive ,be different ? In fact, in our eyes a great miracle happened ...Destroyed in 1904 by vandals , Our Lady of Kazan returned to us thelight of his holiday. Well Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin shereturned to his home - Tikhvin Assumption Monastery Marian ... And if weremember that the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God always went out ofthose places where getting up internal strife and enmity , then ask thequestion : what means and marks the return of the icon in Russia , atthe beginning of the third millennium ? Is not that great and the goodnews is that , despite the disorder and poverty of our present life, wewere able to step over the fatal blindness and bratonenavidenie and mayalready be ready for the spiritual work and spiritual achievements , andwhich Lord expects from us ?

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