Make the positive present perfect
1) (I / study / French) .
2) (She / eat / octopus) .
3) (They / go / to Scotland) .
4) (We / read / that book) .
5) (He / live / here for three years) .
6) (You / know / David for ten years) .
7) (We / be / here for two weeks) .
8) (I / lose / my keys) .
9) (He / drink / too much coffee) .
10) (They / miss / the train) .
11) (She / go / to Peru) .
12) (We / eat / too much chocolate) .
13) (I / have / breakfast this morning) .
14) (John / miss / the train) .
15) (Lucy / cook / breakfast) .
16) (They / write / to the politician) .
17) (You / find / your wallet) .
18) (I / meet / his mother) .
19) (We / try / roller-skating) .
20) (She / pass / the exam) .

1)I have studied French
2)She has eaten an octopus
3)They have gone to Scotland
4)We have read that book
5)He has lived here for three years
6)You have known David for 10 years
7)We have been here for 2 weeks
8) I have lost my keys
9) He has drunk too much coffee
10) They have missed the train
11)She has gone to Peru
12)We have eaten too much chocolate
13)I have had breakfast this morning
14) John has missed the train
15) Lucy has cooked the breakfast
16) They have written to the politician
17)You have found your wallet
18) I have met his mother
19) We have tried roller-skating
20) She has passed the exam

Present Perfect positive :
I/you/we/they + have + verb(3 form)
He/she/it + has + verb (3d form)

sent Perfect negative
все то же самое только havent / hasnt
question :
Have + I/YOU/WE/THEY  + verb (3d form)
Has + He/she/it + verb (3d form)

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