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( 10 предл.)

In 1965, student Randy Gardner decided to put the experiment did not sleep as long as possible. He did it - he did not close his eyes 11 days (and hit the Guinness Book of Records). Recently Randy record was broken, but because of health damage, this category has been excluded by the organizers. The longest of unconfirmed records - 28 days. What happened to Randy until he was asleep? Understandably, at first he felt very, very tired and was irritable. On the fifth day he came syndromes, which are typical of Alzheimers disease. Then he started having hallucinations and paranoia. He believed that the road sign - is the man, and also believed that the master station wants to kill him. Then Randy motor functions began to pass, there was a tremor of fingers, it has become indistinct, and the student could not perform simple math problems, moreover, it is commonplace to forget what, in fact, consisted of the job. Finally, Randy went to sleep, slept 14 hours awake more hours, then slept for another 8 hours, and the normal sleep cycle after that is not interrupted. Although brave teenager has gone on trial voluntarily, not everyone has a choice. A rare genetic disorder Fatal Familial Insomnia, clearly indicates how the first word ends in death. It usually begins during a person growing up and progressing rapidly from the usual insomnia to muscle spasms to psychoses, and finally ends up flowing into the who are sick, after which disease the victim inevitably gets to the morgue (which relatives are usually even more pleased, given the suffering through which the people ). Scientists, by the way, note that even minor sleep deprivation seriously affect the mental functions of man. Mass experiments on this subject carried out in the army, where sleep deprivation is part of life, and where people often have to perform complex mental work (meaning not sorting out a Kalashnikov at a time while citing the statute of military service and work in the space rocket parts or radar PVO). One sleepless night reduces cognitive function soldier or officer on 30%. Two nights in a row - 60%. Five days sleeping less than six hours per day - and servicemen brain works as if the man had not slept for two days in a row. Hence - the frequent failure of expensive equipment (in addition to the typical problems of theft and drunkenness). In view of this, saying that "the soldier sleeps - the service goes" to the army of psychologists has an entirely different meaning

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