Впишите правильные ответы, не надо списывать предложение, пишите только ответ. Пишите так: 1 задание 1 номер ..., 2 задание 3 номер.Но лишь в 3 и 5 задании надо написать ответ и предложение.1(задание). Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в present simple, past simple, future simple.1.Where she usually ... (celebrate) her birthday? 2. ... you (have) a big family? 3. Newton ... (invent) the telescope in 1668. 4. When ... this accident (happen)? 5. I always ... (send) Christmas cards to my grandparents. 6. Nina and Nick ... (Get married) in two weeks. 7 How many books they ... (bring) tomorrow? 8. Stanley ... (have) two sons and a daughter.2(задание). Поставьте глагол to be в одну из форм Simple.1. I ... 70 years old in 2050. 2. She ... my neighbor last year. 3. It ... usually very hot in Egypt. 4. I ... born in september. 5. My parents ... doctors.3( задание). Превратите утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, обращая внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого.1. The concert will start at 7 p.m. 2. Her shoes are dirty. 3. I bought the curtains for my bedroom. 4. I am a football fan. 5. Their wedding will be in spring.4(задание). Вставьте подходящее прилагательное в нужной степени.1. A train is __________ than a bus. 2. This text is the ___________ of all. 3. I was ill last week but today I am ________. 4. Park Street is __________ than Marker Street.5 (задание). Найдите и исправьте ошибки.1. Im more taller than my brother. 2.Mary is prettyer than Jane. 3. Tim is more handsomer than his brother. 4 . Twins are closest people in the world. 5. My father is the stronger man in the world.

Задание 1
2) Have you got...
3) invented
4) did happen
5) send
6) will get married
7) will bring
8) has
задание 2
2) was
3) is
4) was
5) are
задание 3
1) wont start
2) arent dirty
3) didnt buy
4) am not 
5) wont be
задание 4
1) faster
2) most
3) better
4) more beautiful 
задание 5 
1) Im taller than...
2) prettiest
3) Tim is handsomer...
4) most close 
5) strongest 

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