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"Soviet sport" - daily Russian newspaper; the oldest is now facing sports periodicals in Russia. The founders of the newspaper - CJSC "Soviet sport" and the Russian Olympic Committee. Currently, issued by the Publishing house "Komsomolskaya Pravda"
The first issue is dated July 20, 1924.[2] Until 19 March 1946 was called "Red sport".[3] in 1934 edition was translated into a daily format. The first chief editor of the newspaper Aron Itin was shot in 1938 for treason.[4]

In July 1949 on the pages of "Soviet sport" was published first poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko[5] under the name "Two sports. The poem was dedicated to the fact that "capitalists compete for money, but the Soviet people - for the soul".[4]

From may 1960, was first published Sunday Supplement to the newspaper "Football". On 3 December 1967 it was renamed to "Football-hockey". July 5, 1968 readers sports newspaper received another application of the all-Union chess and checkers weekly "64".

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