Допоможіть скласти систему навчання України в вигляді таблиці на англійській мові. Наприклад Pre-school Education (0 - 5) years old - Primary Eduction (5 - 11) і далі ланцюгом.

Preschool education in Ukraine includes the whole network of preschool educational institutions, which accepts children from 6 months to 6 years. 
School education in Ukraine begins with 6-7 years. Schooling in Ukraine is compulsory for all. Parents can choose a secondary school, private school or training in the specialized Lyceum or gymnasium.
After graduation, 15-17 years, graduates can choose the profession of working specialty and qualify as nurse, teacher, chef, hairdresser, seamstress, welder, driver, etc.. typically, this training is free and lasts from 1 to 3 years. 
For higher education, bachelor degree students study 4 years (or 5 years for part-time studies), for the specialist degree - 5 (6) years, master - 5.5 (6.5) years.

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