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t is common among clowns to find rule-breakers and, since clowns are consistent, breaking any rules about what a certain clown type should look like is no surprise! Since there are various pages on different clown types on our site, this is the place for a DISCLAIMER!For us to draw a distinct line in the proverbial sand and say, "If you do this with your facial make-up, you must be in this clown type category would be, well... silly! Someone invariably takes what they like from more than one clown type and combines them to create their own unique clown look and style.The types that will be described on these pages have been adopted mainly as a result of competitions and include regulations for consistency within those competitions.A true clown - or any serious performer, for that matter - can entertain an audience with or without a costume and make-up. The costume and make-up are only there to enhance the performers character and his performance.Clowning is an ancient performing art.  Clowns are entertainers who combine comedy and skill to amuse and amaze their audiences.  Click on a button below to read more about clowning.
People love to laugh and almost everyone likes to make others laugh! There is a special feeling that comes with seeing others happy because of something you did or said. Read on to find out more and discover the personality that fits your inner clown!

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