Fill in the gaps with other,the other,another.
1)I have two pens.This one is not very good.I think i should give you_________.
2)These apples are very tasty . Can i have _______one ?
3)I have two sandwiches . One is with ham.Please give me_______one.I don`t like ham .
4)Children`s books are boring . You don`t have to read them.There are ______books in the bookcase.
5)Do you want to go camping with us?No, thank you I have _____hobbies.

Помогите пожалуйста :)
Буду ооооочень благодарна:3

1) I have two pens. This one is not very good. I think I should give you the other one.
2) These apples are very tasty. Can I have another one?
3. I have two sandwiches. One is with ham. — Please give me the other one. I dont like ham.
4) Childrens books are boring. — You dont have to read them. There are other books in the bookcase.
5) Do you want to go camping with us? — No, thank you, I have other hobbies.

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