Определить время:Future Tenses; Future Simple Passive, Future Perfect Passive or Future Passive-in-the-Past.
1.Protecting the environment is not an easy problem to solve, but Im sure will be solved one day.
2.Even a year ago he knew what particular people would be included into the rescue team.
3.Theres still a lot of work to do but theres every reason to believe that will be completed by the end of the year.
4.Im sure that in the future much more attention will be paid to ecological problems in Russia.
5.By the end of the week the agenda of our meetting will have been finalised.
6.The editor promised us that all that valuable information would be published in the next issue of his paper.
7.When I was teaching ecology, I was continuously asked by my pupils what measures would be taken to protect endangered species.
8.By this time next week your wish wiil have been granted, I promise.
9.All these facts will be mentioned in Mr Reeds new book on rare species.
10.On Saturday the project will have already been prepared.

1. Protecting the environment is not an easy problem to solve, but Im sure it will be solved   (Future Simple Passive) one day.
2. Even a year ago he knew what particular people would be included
(Future Passive-in-the-Past)  into the rescue team.
3. Theres still a lot of work to do but theres every reason to believe that will be completed
  (Future Simple Passive) by the end of the year.
4. Im sure that in the future much more attention will be paid
  (Future Simple Passive) to ecological problems in Russia.
5. By the end of the week the agenda of our meetting will have been finalised
  (Future Perfect Passive) .
6. The editor promised us that all that valuable information would be published
(Future Passive-in-the-Past)  in the next issue of his paper.
7. When I was teaching ecology, I was continuously asked by my pupilswhat measures would be taken
(Future Passive-in-the-Past)  to protect endangered species.
8. By this time next week your wish wiil have been granted
  (Future Perfect Passive), I promise.
9. All these facts will be mentioned
  (Future Simple Passive) in Mr Reeds new book on rare species.
10. On Saturday the project will have already been prepared
  (Future Perfect Passive).

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