Dear Lisa,
Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and
he (2) gave / had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths
and it (4) made / had made me laugh. I almost (5) got / had got in trouble!
Anyway, Im excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday. I (7) was
/ had been late for the lesson because when I (8) got / had got there, I suddenly realised
I (9) left / had left my judo suit at home! So I (10) went / had gone all the way home
and when I (11) got / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun.
The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13) learned / had learned how to do some basic
throws. Cant wait till next time !
What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (14) spoke / had spoken to you, you
(15) talked / had talked about giving it up. What (16) did you decide I had you decided?
I think thats all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so Id better post this.
Speak to you soon.

Dear Lisa, 

Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and 

he (2) gave / had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths 

and it (4) made / had made me laugh. I almost (5) got / had got in trouble! 

Anyway, Im excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday. I (7) was 

/ had been late for the lesson because when I (8) got / had got there, I suddenly realised 

I (9) left / had left my judo suit at home! So I (10) went / had gone all the way home 

and when I (11) got / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun. 

The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13) learned / had learned how to do some basic 

throws. Cant wait till next time ! 

What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (14) spoke / had spoken to you, you 

(15) talked / had talked about giving it up. What (16) did you decide I had you decided? 

I think thats all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so Id better post this. 

Speak to you soon. 



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