Translate the sentences into Russian. Translate the ideas, not word by word.
1. I can type, but I can’t spell.
2. Where did you go on holiday last year?
some / any / a / an
Put some, any, a or an into each gap.
Heathrow is an international airport.
1. Did Charles Dickens have _______ children?
2. I bought ______ newspaper and _______ magazines.
3. Jane lives in _____ old house in France.
4. There are ______ trees in my garden, but there aren’t _____ flowers.
5. Do you have ______ books by Gabriel Garcia Marques?
6. There are ______ letters for you on the table.

1 я умею печатать,но неграмотно 2 где ты был в прошлый выходный?
1any 2some 3an 4some any 5any 6some

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